The Secret Key to Writing Content for Your Website

Is your company’s content recognizable without the logo or brand colors? Most businesses assume they would be able to; however, it might surprise you that most small to medium businesses can’t.

Is there anything to make your content stand out, without the logo or company name?

Go through the following article as we uncover the secret key to valuable online content and the three things you need to know before you can write engaging content for your business.

Content that Brings Your Brand to Life

“Digital clutter” has become an important scenario, as the web gets more and more content-rich and users are starting to become distracted and often don’t know which way to look. It’s imperative that the content you’re producing is clear, concise, and, most importantly, valuable to your target audience.

The Secret Ingredient

So, what’s this big secret key that’s stopping you from building your brand with content masterpiece after content masterpiece?

It’s pretty simple, really – and not much of a mystery… You’re missing your very own brand voice.

A rich brand voice can elevate your content from bland and boring to specific and engaging. It can help you stand out in a crowded market, and it can win you loyalty from current and prospective customers.

The power of brand voice cannot be underestimated. Branded content is much more engaging than generic information composed without a specific tone or voice. Engaging, branded content, in conjunction with social media sharing, can spread farther and wider than you would expect. No matter what your business, the best content strategies will always include content that mirrors the personality of the brand, as it is more effective in building relationships with your audience.

Develop Your Very Own Brand Voice

If you couldn’t recognize your own content, it’s time for you to develop your business’ brand voice. You can use the brand voice with the help of these four key components:

Know your Goals

 Your company goals and aspirations shape the business today and tomorrow. By revisiting your core values, you could think about how your content could be shaped with reference to what you, as a business, hold most important. This unique standpoint enables you to align your brand more closely with the customer and, ultimately, inspire a deeper loyalty in them.

Know your Competition

The next step is to know your competition but do not copy them! You don’t want to be the same as anyone, let alone your competitors, so knowing and understanding how your competition speaks to their audience can help you find your own point of difference.

Know your Value

Why would people want to engage with your brand? By clearly understanding the value of your brand – and, on a finer scale, your content – you can better provide that value to engage your customers. Nurturing your clients and providing value outside the customary transactional relationship will build trust within your audience and allegiance to your brand. Tweaking your content to what your audience perceives as valuable will eradicate “content for content’s sake” and maximize the appeal of your services and products. As a result, you will find yourself with a far more involved readership and a higher rate of customer retention.

Know your Brand

Being well aware of your brand and your industry is imperative before you can start to develop a writing style and tone of voice to represent yourself with. As a business owner, you will know your brand better than anyone; however, knowing the brand and being able to articulate its qualities, value and purpose are completely different things. Take the time to write these things down and find out exactly how you want your brand to be presented to the market before you jump into writing content. This way, you’ll be much better placed to develop consistency across your marketing messages and build a much stronger foundation for your business.