Get more organic visitors to your E-Commerce website

Any business, especially those in the e-commerce niche, must have a website that appears at the top of search engine results. E-commerce companies are more likely to experience increased competition and poor search engine results. Therefore, search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful and essential tool for any e-commerce business. 

Why does SEO matter so much to e-commerce?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the basis for driving organic traffic to your e-commerce website. But SEO can do more than just increase sales on a particular platform; it can also boost brand value and help build a solid reputation among the general public.

Studies show that only 25% of users browse the displayed second page of search results. Therefore, if you want to increase the number of visits you are getting while also bolstering the position of your brand, having a solid SEO strategy in place is crucial.

Top 5 SEO Strategies to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Ecommerce Website?

1. Utilizing Keyword Analysis to Improve Your eCommerce Site

Finding active search terms for your company’s products, services, and brands allows you to include them in your content. This process is known as “keyword research.” It’s crucial to conduct keyword research because it helps you match your content to users’ search intentions. Trone conducts keyword research using reputable online tools like Moz Pro Keyword Explorer. To choose the best keywords to target, brands should consider search volume, ranking difficulty, and organic click-through rate.

The meta title, description, header, and copy of your landing page should all be optimized after choosing your target keywords. By carefully selecting your keywords, you can help Google recognize the kinds of goods you are selling and match them with relevant search terms. 

2. Creating an eCommerce Site with an SEO-Friendly Site Structure

Site structure refers to the organization of your website’s pages and the connections between them. The goal is to reduce the number of clicks needed to reach your site’s most crucial pages from the homepage.

The user experience and SEO both benefit from a well-structured website. A UX expert can assist you in creating the structure of your website so that users can quickly navigate it and find the products they need. Using breadcrumbs can make user navigation through your site faster and more efficient if it has a lot of products.  


Product Category:

Product Sub Category:

Product Page:Home / E-Magazine / Cricकथा ई दिवाळी अंक २०२२  

You must make an XML sitemap of your website and submit it to Google through Google Search Console after deciding on your site’s organizational structure. Google can better crawl and index your pages when your site is structured well.

3. Making Content Available on Your Product Pages

Google favors websites with a lot of content as a primary research tool and is more likely to display product pages with more information. Use your targeted keywords in the content of your product pages, add product reviews, and include internal links to related products. Additionally, you should add product descriptions, specifications, and alt tags. Making sure that each landing page has unique content is how we advise avoiding duplicate content mistakes.

4. Pages with Structured Data for Products

Structured data makes it easier for Google to index and classify your content. By enhancing how it is presented in rich snippets, structured data can help your products appear more prominently in Google SERPs. It’s frequently a good idea to check the schema markup for errors or warnings after adding structured data to your product pages. 

5. Fix Technical SEO

The goal of technical SEO is to make your eCommerce website faster, more crawlable, and secure while also addressing technical issues. Due to Google’s preference for showing websites with better technical SEO, having a lot of site errors may reduce your eCommerce site’s visibility in search results.

What Mistakes in Technical SEO Are Most Common?

  • Non-HTTPS
  • Missing XML Sitemap
  • Slow Site Speed
  • Missing or Incorrect Robots.txt file
  • Missing Canonical Tags
  • Broken Links
  • 404 Errors & Redirect Chains
  • Duplicate Content

Some of these typical technical SEO mistakes may be affecting your site without your knowledge. An ecommerce digital marketing company can offer an SEO audit to determine what site improvements are required and the next steps to address any issues.