SEO for Local Business – Dos’ and Don’ts

Do you operate a local business? Do you want the website for your business to show up first in search results?

The success of all types of small businesses depends heavily on local SEO services.

This article will go over some of the most crucial steps you can take to get your local business to the top of search results and what to avoid if you want to position your company in front of potential new clients.

Want to boost website traffic, leads, and sales to get better results for your business? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the quick response. There is, however, more to it. You should be knowledgeable about SEO, how search engines function, and how to improve your website’s ranking if you want to do it well. 

What Is Local SEO?

Search engine optimization for local search results is known as “Local SEO.”

That means assisting Google in ranking your company’s listing in the Local Pack/Map Pack higher and showing up more frequently in response to more pertinent search queries.

Consider the last time you went looking for something in the world. Maybe it was [sportswear], or [daycare provider], or [women’s shoes].

Local search must be a part of any SEO strategy that targets customers in a specific region, city, or neighborhood.

Simply put, local SEO focuses on raising your rankings and visibility in local search results, such as Google’s Map Pack/Local Pack.

Organic SEO is used to raise web page rankings in organic search. Your website’s placement in those organic results may positively impact where it appears in the local pack.

If Google determines that a search query has local intent, organic listings are another excellent way for your local business to be seen by motivated searchers.

SEO for Local Business – Dos and Don’ts


1. Establishing a Google My Business page:

Creating a Google My Business page is the first step in any local SEO campaign. Including phone numbers, addresses, and other pertinent information about your company will enable it to be added to Google Maps and Google Search results.

2. Make location-specific landing pages:

Target specific areas by using location-based landing pages. To get the best results when someone searches for “restaurants near me,” create a page with that exact title that targets only those users who entered that term into their search engine, not just anyone who stumbles upon it while browsing the web.

3. Improve page titles and meta descriptions for regional keywords:

Page titles and meta descriptions play a big role in how local search engines like Yelp, Google Places, and Yahoo! Local decide which pages to include in their results. These pages must consist of relevant keywords that help users find the content.

4. Add NAP & Map Information to Your Site’s Footer:

You can take a variety of actions to increase the visibility of your website on Google. Including your company name, address, and phone number (NAP) in the footer of your website is one of the most crucial things you can do.

It’s simple for site visitors to find this information, but search engines also value it. They can learn more about you and your location by using the NAP. Ensure that this information is the same on all of your websites and listings. 


1. Neglect online reviews:

Don’t forget about Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. They’re excellent platforms for customer interaction and feedback on your company.

If customers contact you online with inquiries or reviews of your goods or services, be ready to respond. You don’t want irate customers venting their frustrations to others in the neighborhood.

2. Do not create citations:

The most crucial thing to keep in mind is to avoid building citations! You should list the name, address, and phone number of your business on as many websites as you can because citations are one of the most important factors in local search.

3. Don’t overuse keywords in your content:

There are a few things you shouldn’t do when it comes to local SEO. Over-keywording your content is one of the biggest no-nos. Instead of improving your rankings, this could hurt them.

4. Publish Unnatural Links on Local Websites:

Publishing unnatural links on regional websites is the best way to destroy your local SEO. The creation of links on websites unrelated to your business or the submission of articles with embedded links fall under this category. Make sure your target audience will find the links you publish relevant and helpful.

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), everything does, in fact, get more competitive over time. By following these local SEO dos and don’ts, you can propel your local business to the top of the search results.

While local and regular SEO have some overlap, we advise against using your current website for local targeting. It is therefore best to build a separate website specifically for your local marketing initiatives since the majority of the content on your site won’t be relevant for local searches. By using Cosmic, you can improve your results.

Cosmic, a leading SEO service provider offers the best local SEO services. We are experts at assisting companies in improving their local search rankings.